Among our marginalized and vulnerable child and youth groups, we are specifically working the girl child and adolescent girls to ensure that they are the first beneficiaries of all these interventions. As a result, a large number of girls and adolescent girls have been provided with awareness inputs, health inputs and their mainstreaming in the formal education system has been ensured. Under our ongoing projects and programs several activities have been initiated especially to empower the adolescent girls and change the attitude of son preference among the target communities. Several targeted activities have been initiated with adolescent girls with the aim of reducing child marriage and child sexual abuse, promoting inclusive education and health education as well as leadership quality skills in them, so that each one of them gets opportunities for participation and develop their inner talents.
In addition, cultural activities, games, songs and music, speeches, short plays and health awareness training for adolescent girls are organized to develop their inner talents. Due to these interventions, the self-esteem and life skills of the girls in the target group have increased significantly.
Youth leadership development program: Various Capacity building programs on thematic issues have been organized to improve the skill, Knowledge, human behavior process and aptitude of the rural youths to promote a sense of confidence to meet the life challenge with maturity. The organization has been involved in organizing Youth leadership development Program both for men and women to build their capacitates and development of leadership trait.
Career counseling of youths are facilitated as one of the key activities to support them to analyze their capabilities so that they can take the challenges on aware mandate of the career options. They are also motivated to form study circles to support the learning objectives in peer groups. The youths are also provided orientation on Government schemes as NREGA, PDS and social security net for access and convergence with government schemes.